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Opportunities for Workplace Deviance

Technology being so portable and accessible in today's age has definitely allowed some greatness to be done. What happens when this technology prompts threats to a workplace? Professor Kirkpatrick posed a question for us to reflect on, "How has cyber technology created opportunities for workplace deviance?" Read my thoughts down below. 

I believe the invention and advancement of cyber technology has allowed for a large number of workplace deviance. Social media has probably become a big part of workplace deviance. For example, many people in childcare (daycares) like to take pictures of their kids and post them on Snapchat. Some follow the rules of covering the kid's face while many don't do that and post a private story to prevent them from getting into trouble. There are also people who have found negativity within their job. Let's say a boss they dislike, being laid off, fired, etc., they may turn to the usage of revenge on their workplace. They may create insulting emails, hack, manipulate, and/or download important or sensitive information from their workplace to use for blackmail or threatening behaviors. Another way workplace deviance can occur is from employees not using their equipment correctly. Employees going onto unknown websites, and not using their proper security measures like VPN and protection software can jeopardize the company and the records/information on their computers.

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