As a final blog for Communication & Conflict Management, we were prompted to reflect on our experience, read my thoughts down below!
In what ways do you think you improved your professional presence after completing the eP? I think I improved my professional presence by adding different styled assignments to my eP. I have been doing my ePortfolio since 2021 so I’ve had quite a bit of experience through many of my courses. After completing the eP through this course, I now have a Case Study to provide as a course project which I’ve never done before!
Identify and explain what you like most about your eP. What I like most about my eP is the way I organized it. I feel like my eP is very detailed and has both a personal and professional feel to it. The overall design is something I’ve gotten compliments on in both school and potential jobs! So now I know what I’m doing right!
Identify the most challenging aspect of the eP. The most challenging aspect of the ePortfolio is putting things together so your layout is cohesive and professional. Adding things for this class specifically was pretty easy on my part due to experience but for my Cybersecurity course, it was different because I had to make a whole page dedicated to the course. Figuring out the layout I like, the themed background, and a way to add my assignments was a little difficult. In the end, I like how it turned out and hope it adds a new aspect to my portfolio.
What advice would you give future students about the eP? My advice for future students would be to make a template yours! By this, I mean to start out using a template that makes sense but caters to you. I used a template for my eP but found ways to make it personal and representative of me and my style. Don’t be too generic but also don’t be too crazy with colors and themes. Make sure everything flows together. Also, make sure you learn the tools! I’ve been on this platform (Wix) for over a year and have created a couple of other pages. I learned new functions I didn’t know were even there before! Read tutorials, look up YouTube videos, and go through the provided “help” guide on Wix, I’m sure you’ll find a function that would work well with your page that you didn’t even know existed!
What component of this course was most interesting to you? The most interesting topic of this course for me was learning the destructive conflict styles and behaviors and how to overcome them. I’ve taken many communication courses before, as that is my major, and often the other courses brush over conflict styles and Gottman briefly, nothing too in-depth. What I like about this course was that we got really into detail about the styles, destructive styles & behaviors, and ways to combat them. Such detail was included that I was able to reflect on it and pair those terms and definitions with myself and other people in my life!
What did you learn from the Conflict Management Style Analysis or Case Study? The Case Study taught me a lot. My overall opinion of it was that Sarah was super harsh. It taught me to think before I speak, don’t let opinions/bad feelings linger, and don’t avoid for too long after an unresolved conflict! Their overall argument was a lot to read and you could feel the intensity through the story. I learned that communication is key and when a situation approaches you, you should address it immediately otherwise it will end up in an intense blow-up like this. Of course, conflict is bound to happen, but with the right managerial tools, one can learn to have a healthy conflict.
How do you think this course could benefit you in your chosen career? I honestly think this course can benefit everyone’s career as conflict will happen in any workplace. My career specifically is undecided right now but I want to shoot for a managerial role in either social media or project management. With any managerial role, it’s good to know healthy conflict management and styles when in the right situation. Knowing the new information I learned in this class for one of those careers will help me to communicate with my staff and work through issues that may arise in a non-hostile way.