Figuring out what an eP is, was both challenging and exciting. It prompted me to reflect upon myself and how I wanted to showcase myself in both a professional and personal way! I think the eP prompted me to improve on my style and self-confidence of my professional presence. It allowed me to improve on my style because beforehand I didn’t know exactly how my style would be to illustrate my professional self but the eP allowed me to go through and choose the best templates to find my professional self. It also helped my self-confidence because I got to assert myself in a way of knowing my best qualities and abilities. The thing I liked most about making the eP was choosing and personalizing the template. I’m really into online design and I thought making my own website and portfolio was fun and a learning experience! The Wix site has a lot of different and amazing content that allowed me to show myself in the best way! The most challenging aspect of the eP was figuring out different functions. For example, I recently changed my “Course Projects” page to enable subpages and different push buttons to navigate to the subpages. I thought that part would be really easy but it was somewhat challenging to figure it out. It was also a little challenging to show that “professional” presence. I was never told to make a portfolio before so figuring out the correct wording and structure was a bit of a challenge. My advice for future students when creating an eP is to find a template the resides with you! Something that’s clean yet also can entertainingly show your personal life. I would also suggest they read up and figure out all of the different functions because there is quite a bit that can help make your portfolio even more entertaining and inviting. I would also suggest watching some YouTube videos that help explain the different functions of the site both verbally and visually.
The most interesting component of this course for me was the content. I knew beforehand that this course was about nonverbal behavior but I didn’t know how much of the content that I would find interesting. The content and the textbook allowed me to learn some new information or information I already knew but into deeper detail. It is always exciting to take a class that interests you and you could apply the information to your personal life! My topic for the popular press analysis was an eye-opener for me. The articles talked about different nonverbal cues and romantic relationships or interests. Reading about the posture, facial expressions, eye behavior, and mimicry in deeper terms was very insightful. The experiments were also very interesting to read as they provided a real-life example and visual on how people react to different experiments. Overall, the thing I learned most from the popular press analysis was to look deeper into people’s nonconscious movements and gestures when I’m talking to them or around them. I think this course would benefit me in my chosen career by simply allowing me to read into and understand the different gestures and movements that people have around me. Although my chosen career isn’t final, nonverbal behavior and communications are always a presence. Eye contact, gestures, and environmental behaviors would all show apparent in any job which would help me decipher how people are acting and the mood of the environment. This would also benefit me as I have now been able to create a portfolio for myself. Having this experience would help me create or continue to build my portfolio in a bigger and better way for my future careers.