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Mobile Optimization - COMM 421

Writer: Niyskee LNiyskee L

I started the Wix site in the Fall of 2021 and ever since I have been curating for each of my courses! For this course specifically, we had six choices to choose from for editing or adding to our already made site so I decided on mobile optimization. I noticed I needed to change a lot because the mobile look of it was not organized! Down below I will list all the changes I had to make on each individual page and why. Please have a look at the mobile view of my page and if you are already viewing it, welcome!

Home: The home page was all put together but the most important element was hidden, the words "welcome". I changed this by deleting a column that was over it. I did this because people need to know it is a welcome page.

About Me: My about me page on mobile was all over the place! I had to change some of the lineups of the columns, delete pictures and turn them into a collage so the look was neat, as well as re-add a picture that my page automatically hid. I made these edits so my page was more organized and wasn't too overwhelming to look at.

Projects and Individual Project Pages: The project page holders/interactive buttons were out of order so I had to put them back as I want my assignments to line up from finished courses to new courses. I also had to do some sizing and text adjustments on the individual project pages because mobile shifted them to the left and vertical which made them not easy to read. I also had to re-add a pdf assignment under "White Paper" because the site deleted it off of my page. The Cybersecurity page did not need adjusting.

Blog & Contacts: The blog page only needed adjustments because the same as the home page, my name and menu options column were blocking the beginning of the blog column. The contacts page actually needed no adjustments!



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